It is a replica of a 1959 Porsche 356A Speedster. The best thing about this car is that it has an actual Porsche motor. As you know, most replicas have VW or Subaru motors. It came from a 1976 Porsche 912E. Most all the paperwork on the build of this car is documented in a large binder. The only thing I changed on the car were the wheels. It used to have ugly VW wheels and I replaced them with chrome baby moon wheels from It has a top, but it’s still in the box as I’ve never put it on. I bought this car because it was always my favorite body style of all time. I intended on driving it on the weekends, taking it to car shows, etc.. It’s been in my garage for a year and I never even got the thing registered. Every month, I drive it around the neighborhood just to keep things running right. I still wanted to keep it for old time sake, but I bought a Tesla recently and want to pay it off sooner than later. So I guess I’m going to sell my little 356.
Price: Auction
More info: Listing has ended. Click to search on eBay for similar 1959 Porsche 356 (Affiliate link)
Seller's other items: brentthompsondc
Location: Spring, Texas, United States